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Welcome to Libre Vidya, Video Games in Freedom.

Rules: http://endchan.xyz/lv/rules.html
Guide: https://de.catbox.moe/lpd67l.png

Check out Libre Game Night: https://lgn.xwx.moe/

This thread is stickied so comments can act as a list of games that won't get bumped off.
Edited last time by lordlibrevidya on 12/07/2020 (Mon) 13:32.
25 posts and 9 images omitted.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:47 [Preview] No.694 del
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Unknown Horizons, RTS city builder:

Dungeon Keeper clone:

Steel Storm:

Mario clone:

Settlers 2 clone:

Mario Kart clone:

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lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:47 [Preview] No.695 del

I just want to thank the previous posters, great work!

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:47 [Preview] No.696 del
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lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:47 [Preview] No.697 del
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lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:48 [Preview] No.698 del
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A big 'fuck you' to OpenGL2 lamer 01/16/2021 (Sat) 10:02 [Preview] No. 514 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
The adage about 'linux brings old hardware back to life' is now false when it comes to games. I remember Mikee complaining about this a few years back but it's reached near full saturation at this point. Free software games have pretty much abandoned OpenGL 2 support, so any old c2d laptops are not playing any modern updates to games. OpenGL 3+ will never run on these chipsets so MESA won't try. I recently faced this fact trying to run OpenRA on an old c2d laptop for LAN purposes and was left agasp by this: https://www.openra.net/news/playtest-20200329/
>We note that OpenGL 3.2 or OpenGL ES 3 are now required. Moving away from OpenGL 2 is important for future compatibility with modern rendering APIs (Vulkan/Metal). This does unfortunately mean dropping support for some older systems (typically 10+ years old) that currently can run OpenRA, but we believe that this is a necessary tradeoff for the future.
I was then surprised trying to run a few other 2d games on this hardware, it really does seem the community are abandoning old hardware.
Edited last time by lordlibrevidya on 01/16/2021 (Sat) 11:57.
11 posts and 12 images omitted.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:44 [Preview] No.680 del
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lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:45 [Preview] No.684 del
> The additional writings thing only works as an appendix to the GPL.
> Their new rule applies to their collaboration infrastructure and those have their own separate contract that govern them.

A court doesn't take as a given that the only terms affecting a Work is License.txt. They don't operate like a program. These extra rules are in writing and presented to anyone looking at the code (they're presented up front).

They explicitly state the opinion of the copyright holders to exclude paedophiles and anti-feminists.
A court could certainly see that as part of the licensing regime.

They are additional writings governing the disposition of the Work.
Yes they are a license(permission). Yes they are in addition to the GPL. Yes the copyright holders can do that.
(even if it would violate the copyright of the work from which some of the project was derived: it's up to the original copyright holder to enforce his original terms against the down-the-line licensee) (the california case challenging this hasn't made it through the courts yet (suggesting 3rd party benificiary standing (under a contract theory of copyright (where an actual good was purchased for sale))))

It is made clear that paedophiles and anti-feminists are NOT permitted to engage with the Linux Kernel, with Xonotic, with Darkplaces, with anything in the opensource world. That rule is actively enforced.

And that is underscored with Kitsune being summerly banned.
Yes this is a licensing change.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:45 [Preview] No.686 del
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lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:45 [Preview] No.690 del
It's worse than you think. They're forcing the OpenGL into games (and also emulators) that don't need it and used to run fine with just software rendering on computers from 20 years ago.
Here's just one example. This version runs great on my slow armv7 board that boots /dev/fb0 at 640x480, without the proprietary Mali GPU driver.
So anyway, now I archive old versions of the games and emulators I like, and ignore all the new ones.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:46 [Preview] No.691 del
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Xonotic 0.9 developer license change. (was GPL without restrictions) lamer 04/12/2024 (Fri) 00:21 [Preview] No. 550 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
While the end-user player license remains the same as previous versions, Xonotic has added to it's developers license a no-pedophile rule .

Some might say "this isn't a license change".
A license is permission. Xonotic has voted on, and agreed to this new rule.
It may very well be found by a court to be a license change for developers.

They did.
Got 500k to fight it out?
Also they'll claim their change isn't in the end-user license (but it is an enforced rule, which was voted on and agreed to by the other copyright holders in the Xonotic 0.9 team, and the steering committee): which may amount, by court ruling, to a change in the developer license.
It is clear that the community has voted on, including the other copyright holders (though derivative) of various pieces, to enact a no-pedophile rule for Xonotic 0.9 etc.

It cannot be said that it is totally non-enforceable: the copyright holders to the derivative work Xonotic 0.9 (derivative of earlier versions of Xonotic, which is derivative of Nexuiz, which is derivative of an earlier half-life mod, All of which is a derivative work of Quake1 (the engine especially, and much of the Quake C (game) code in Xonotic)), have made clear their feelings about pedophiles working on their project, and have voted to exclude atleast one person.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

9 posts and 11 images omitted.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:40 [Preview] No.661 del
While the end-user player license remains the same as previous versions, Xonotic has added to it's developers license a no-pedophile rule .

Some might say "this isn't a license change".
A license is permission. Xonotic has voted on, and agreed to this new rule.
It may very well be found by a court to be a license change for developers.

They did.
Got 500k to fight it out?
Also they'll claim their change isn't in the end-user license (but it is an enforced rule, which was voted on and agreed to by the other copyright holders in the Xonotic 0.9 team, and the steering committee): which may amount, by court ruling, to a change in the developer license.
It is clear that the community has voted on, including the other copyright holders (though derivative) of various pieces, to enact a no-pedophile rule for Xonotic 0.9 etc.

It cannot be said that it is totally non-enforceable: the copyright holders to the derivative work Xonotic 0.9 (derivative of earlier versions of Xonotic, which is derivative of Nexuiz, which is derivative of an earlier half-life mod, All of which is a derivative work of Quake1 (the engine especially, and much of the Quake C (game) code in Xonotic)), have made clear their feelings about pedophiles working on their project, and have voted to exclude atleast one person.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:42 [Preview] No.670 del
> https://www.moddb.com/games/chaosesqueanthology

> Game Over

> The game you are trying to view has been deleted and is no longer available. This may have occurred at the developers request because it is no longer active and was not released, or it may have occurred because it violated the sites Terms of Use. If this is a mistake and you are a member of this games team and would like it re-activated, please contact us with the details.

> Continue browsing the game list, to find the profile you are after.

> Account Banned

> Your account has been banned. If you believe this is a mistake and want to be unbanned, please contact us. Try searching:

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:44 [Preview] No.682 del
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Doom3: BFG edition needs to be installed in wine to extract the "base" folder.
Extract the "@UltimateHD" folder and place it next to your "base" folder.
Use: "rbdoom3bfg +set fs_resourceLoadPriority 0 +set fs_game @UltimateHD +set r_lightscale 1 +set r_overbright 1 +set g_fov 100" to launch the game.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:45 [Preview] No.685 del
> The additional writings thing only works as an appendix to the GPL.
> Their new rule applies to their collaboration infrastructure and those have their own separate contract that govern them.

A court doesn't take as a given that the only terms affecting a Work is License.txt. They don't operate like a program. These extra rules are in writing and presented to anyone looking at the code (they're presented up front).

They explicitly state the opinion of the copyright holders to exclude paedophiles and anti-feminists.
A court could certainly see that as part of the licensing regime.

They are additional writings governing the disposition of the Work.
Yes they are a license(permission). Yes they are in addition to the GPL. Yes the copyright holders can do that.
(even if it would violate the copyright of the work from which some of the project was derived: it's up to the original copyright holder to enforce his original terms against the down-the-line licensee) (the california case challenging this hasn't made it through the courts yet (suggesting 3rd party benificiary standing (under a contract theory of copyright (where an actual good was purchased for sale))))

It is made clear that paedophiles and anti-feminists are NOT permitted to engage with the Linux Kernel, with Xonotic, with Darkplaces, with anything in the opensource world. That rule is actively enforced.

And that is underscored with Kitsune being summerly banned.
Yes this is a licensing change.

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lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:45 [Preview] No.689 del
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> 08:03 Juhu: any thoughts on the fork? Parts of it are older than Xonotic.
> 08:04 (Ex: the first weapon I added: the pistol, and some of my maps, etc)
> 08:04 div0 used to help me with things
> 08:05 Juhu: I convinced divVerent to implement crypto in the engine, and also to implement warpzones (like in unreal and UT99), and fakelight shading, and showsurfaces 3
> 08:05 Juhu: I paid him too. My whole paycheque many times back then.
> 08:06 Juhu: so these fucking people they pretend I contributed nothing: when I actually both inspired development and paid for it
> 08:06 /before/ I even got good at it myself
> 08:07 Juhu: so these fucking people they laugh at me, they spit at me: while they use features I paid to have written

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Dear Russians banned from Linux: Plz help ChaosEsque instead. lamer 10/26/2024 (Sat) 17:53 [Preview] No. 581 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Dear Russkies. Of the Nizy Novogrod region and all other regions.
You have been maliciously kicked out of Linux Kernel by a faggot.

Please instead help Chaos Esque Anthology 3d project know more map formats.
It is in C. Quake based.
We have coded Wolfenstine:Enemy Territory BSP support into it, and 4 million entity networking.

It can also generate cities, which you can fight in, we did much 3d modeling and coding. You can enter the buildings.

We know you won't help. No one does.
But it is true opensource, before the women joined, before the trans-gays, before all of that. Just programmers.

We dream of having Unreal and Unreal Tournament 1997/1999 map support (bsp), and valve BSP support.

The game allready has been edited to allow obj-as-map support (see the on-disc (ISO) git repos that come with the game: all the code is there, as are some binaries in the other GIT folder on the disc with the newer builds.), so the modern way of LIDAR scan for a map is supported allready. As are exports of obj from minetest and mine*raft and obj exports from bzflag as maps.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

71 posts and 146 images omitted.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:41 [Preview] No.665 del

> SpecialBomb
> Wrote:
10-12-2017, 06:48 PM
So, apparently, I was playing the mod after all.

Alright, so whatever I played wasn't very fun. It was a campaign botmatch where you had to pick up weapons using f, and the gatling or machine gun or whatever seemed to kill the bots instantly, while the starting pistol was too awkward to use since you had to reload it after 8 shots, and that's with bots moving around really damn fast. In my opinion, it's no better than my own deathmatch mod, maybe even worse since balance didn't seem to be top priority. I never saw any of these 160 weapons of yours, and honestly, from my first impressions, it's not exactly worth my time to try every single one out. The music was also not very impressive.

Try starting a new project and think of a new idea. This 10 year old mod of yours is definitely not worth playing for the messiness of it all, and it's definitely not worth developing anymore either. I'm assuming that there is a lot more to this, but that is mainly your fault for not explaining how to access all of these features. There is singleplayer, multiplayer, and settings. There was nothing else, and the singleplayer was just a bot campaign. The settings were standard xonotic settings, and weren't special either. The help section didn't help, as it didn't explain how to access these great features of yours. I know there is more to this mod, as I have seen your showcase videos. But, I simply don't think it's worth it, because I know its going to be an un-entertaining mess of stuff that shouldn't be there.

One of the biggest things you need to learn is that having too many features is a bad thing. You could argue that garrys mod does this, but the main thing is that the extensiveness of it is controllable by the player. The player makes their game their own by installing mods at their own accord, therefore making the game exactly to their liking. Your mod, in this case, is a jumbled mess of features that aren't very appealing, and is anything but user friendly. From what I saw, there was a plethora of features, including body temperature, vehicles, jail mode, and a bunch of other unneeded stuff.

To have a completely honest summary from what I am to expect when I get this working, this is simply going to be like someones copy of garry's mod with all of their stupid mods added in, but instead of it being on the source engine, its on top of darkplaces. And they are all mods no one wants to play.

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lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:43 [Preview] No.674 del
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Haha, I love reading these.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:43 [Preview] No.676 del

> not the author, but can't consideration also be immaterial?

No. Go FUCK yourself.

> the publisher of GPL software is giving you software (material good)

No they are not. They are granting permission to use and distribute their Copyrighted Work. They are not giving you anything.

> and the consumer of the GPL software is given the publisher the promise of following the GPL

No: you do not have an independent right to use or distribute the Work.
You have a pre-existing duty to follow US Copyright law.
You are granted permission by the Copyright holder to distribute the work and use the work

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lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:43 [Preview] No.678 del
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lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:44 [Preview] No.681 del
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ChaosEsque Anthology Anonymous 06/02/2016 (Thu) 14:36 [Preview] No. 42 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
ChaosEsque Anthology is a first person shooter. It is a standalone modification of Xonotic which includes extended weapons, maps, vehicles, buildable buildings, mounted weapons, spell casting, monsters, player characters, textures, and game modes.

It has over 100 maps. Some are futuristic, some are ancient, and some are medieval. A few evoke platform games such as sonic, others follow a style more akin to diablo. Some are static maps, others are randomly connected.

There is something to fit your mood. There are mutators that can add mounted weapons in any map, buildings, monsters, foliage, hazards, and even balloons and bumpers. You can fight with futuristic weapons, medieval weapons, and /or hand to hand combat (over 100 weapons). There are also many vehicles (and a mutator to spawn them in maps that do not have them, as is tradition (as you can see)).

You can also set each team to start with different specific weapons if you want to test a theory that you could defeat a well equipped military force with your bolt action rifle or crossbow. Same with vehicles and mounted weapons spawning (you can set which spawn near which team in CTF etc). You can drink wine, potions, learn magic, read scrolls, so on and so forth.

The goal, and much of this has been reached, is to not limit the player.
255 posts and 152 images omitted.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:41 [Preview] No.666 del
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lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:41 [Preview] No.667 del
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The adage about 'linux brings old hardware back to life' is now false when it comes to games. I remember Mikee complaining about this a few years back but it's reached near full saturation at this point. Free software games have pretty much abandoned OpenGL 2 support, so any old c2d laptops are not playing any modern updates to games. OpenGL 3+ will never run on these chipsets so MESA won't try. I recently faced this fact trying to run OpenRA on an old c2d laptop for LAN purposes and was left agasp by this: https://www.openra.net/news/playtest-20200329/
> We note that OpenGL 3.2 or OpenGL ES 3 are now required. Moving away from OpenGL 2 is important for future compatibility with modern rendering APIs (Vulkan/Metal). This does unfortunately mean dropping support for some older systems (typically 10+ years old) that currently can run OpenRA, but we believe that this is a necessary tradeoff for the future.
I was then surprised trying to run a few other 2d games on this hardware, it really does seem the community are abandoning old hardware.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:41 [Preview] No.668 del
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> 08:03 Juhu: any thoughts on the fork? Parts of it are older than Xonotic.
> 08:04 (Ex: the first weapon I added: the pistol, and some of my maps, etc)
> 08:04 div0 used to help me with things
> 08:05 Juhu: I convinced divVerent to implement crypto in the engine, and also to implement warpzones (like in unreal and UT99), and fakelight shading, and showsurfaces 3
> 08:05 Juhu: I paid him too. My whole paycheque many times back then.
> 08:06 Juhu: so these fucking people they pretend I contributed nothing: when I actually both inspired development and paid for it
> 08:06 /before/ I even got good at it myself
> 08:07 Juhu: so these fucking people they laugh at me, they spit at me: while they use features I paid to have written

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:42 [Preview] No.673 del
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lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:43 [Preview] No.677 del

What we have here is
1) A rule change
2) Additional Writings being Published regarding the new terms.
3) An enforcement action following the new terms.
4) The effect seen from the licensee: which is to bar them from development of a formally-GPL Property.
5) Expressions that pedophiles are not wanted to edit the code base.
6) And that Policy being put into effect and it having the desired outcome.

[Note: The original author and copyright owner to both DarkPlaces C code and the Xonotic QC code is John Carmack, ID software. Both DarkPlaces and Xonotic QuakeC code are derivative of Quake1 C and QuakeC code. Regardless of how many times they were "rewritten". Even a rewritten section is a derivative work of the original. Quake1 was released as GPL without developer restrictions of any kind, and without any additional stipulations or sections]


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Chaosesque anthology deleted from moddb lamer 05/04/2021 (Tue) 19:38 [Preview] No. 527 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

> Game Over

>The game you are trying to view has been deleted and is no longer available. This may have occurred at the developers request because it is no longer active and was not released, or it may have occurred because it violated the sites Terms of Use. If this is a mistake and you are a member of this games team and would like it re-activated, please contact us with the details.

>Continue browsing the game list, to find the profile you are after.

>Account Banned

>Your account has been banned. If you believe this is a mistake and want to be unbanned, please contact us. Try searching:
8 posts and 6 images omitted.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:40 [Preview] No.660 del
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If you're in a situation where your fellow ethnic countrymen refuse to marry their young virgin daughters to you: then you've allready lost.

It is not recoverable.
They _are_ your enemy./
The only option is to cruelly kill them.
Because they allready have written you off.

All t*ewhite loooser mmmaallless (aka: lawyers, programmers, anyone who lifts) need to push for nuclear war. All our "white" "fellows" are our enemy: the white fathers will call the police on any white mmmaaalallleee who might want a cute young virgin girl: they see this as the sin of sodom (wanting an angel).

They won't step to a black, or any other as the black will kill them.

These fathers need to be tortured while alive and killed: since they constructivly adhere to others not their own kind. Their own kind should thusly saw their limbs off infront of their families and then kill them. They should then kill the cunt woman who will be screaming about it (even though she was previously contemplating using her "right" to divorce): and then rape and keep as a slave any young girls.

IE: the old testament thing.
White MMMAAALLLESSS need to kill the white race that hates them.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:41 [Preview] No.663 del
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> AssaultCube
Easy to get into, in my opinion the closest you can get to a FPS+MOBAs while still making a good game.
Past its golden age apparently, some speedbots here and there.

> Xonotic
Fun as all hell with people, bots are good for getting a hang of it.
Mods expand on it with vehicles. Bring your friends.

> ChaosEsque Anthology
A fork of Xonotic.
Haven't actually played it, just putting it out there without the devs' pasta


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lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:42 [Preview] No.669 del
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OP where did you go?

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:42 [Preview] No.671 del
OP where did you go?

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:43 [Preview] No.675 del
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OP where did you go?

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Retro handhelds lamer 12/07/2020 (Mon) 13:20:25 [Preview] No. 510 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Anyone else tried some of these retro handhelds coming out of china the last two years? The better ones can be flashed with Opendingux, a mips distro with lots of optimisations. Just flashed a retromini and it's tits!

lamer 04/23/2024 (Tue) 18:19 [Preview] No.569 del
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lamer 03/12/2021 (Fri) 05:42:16 [Preview] No. 523 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Xonotic removes "team members" (developer) for insulting people.

><divVerent> Well... strong words are not disallowed, but using strong words to insult others (players or developers alike) falls under invective.
><divVerent> Like, you can call a core gameplay mechanic of first person shooters "shitscan" all you like, that's allowed.
><divVerent> But the moment you attack the people, a line has been crossed.

This is what you get for contributing code etc to opensource: Judged and "sanctioned". You're seen as no-better than a non-contributor/player.

> https://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=8522
> https://xonotic.devfull.de/xonvote:27500/poll/405


divVerent supports sawing off the dicks of kids
"if a doctor approves"
><divVerent> if a doctor diagnoses a condition that can be helped by SRS, and "whoever is legally responsible" (depending on age and jurisdiction, parent and/or child) consents
><divVerent> there's no problem

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

lamer 03/12/2021 (Fri) 05:46:17 [Preview] No.524 del
>However, nonexclusive licenses are revocable (meaning the copyright owner can revoke the license at any time) in the absence of consideration.

> [...] The most plausible assumption is that a developer who releases
> code under the GPL may terminate GPL rights, probably at will.
> --David McGowan, Professor of Law, University of Minnesota Law School:

>p278 "Notice that in a copyright dispute over a bare license, the
>plaintiff will almost certainly be the copyright owner. If a licensee
>were foolish enough to sue to enforce the terms and conditions of the
>license, the licensor can simply revoke the bare license, thus ending
>the dispute. Remeber that a bare license in the absence of an interest
>is revocable."
>--Lawrence Rosen

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Xonotic lamer 03/11/2021 (Thu) 13:27:37 [Preview] No. 521 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>08:03 < attributes> Juhu: any thoughts on the fork? Parts of it are older than Xonotic.
>08:04 < attributes> (Ex: the first weapon I added: the pistol, and some of my maps, etc)
>08:04 < attributes> div0 used to help me with things
>08:05 < attributes> Juhu: I convinced divVerent to implement crypto in the engine, and also to implement warpzones (like in unreal and UT99), and fakelight shading, and showsurfaces 3
>08:05 < attributes> Juhu: I paid him too. My whole paycheque many times back then.
>08:06 < attributes> Juhu: so these fucking people they pretend I contributed nothing: when I actually both inspired development and paid for it
>08:06 < attributes> /before/ I even got good at it myself
>08:07 < attributes> Juhu: so these fucking people they laugh at me, they spit at me: while they use features I paid to have written